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Lost Girls Page 6

  She emerged red face and holding up a dog eared sheaf of A4 papers which she thrust at Tracy.

  Imogen meanwhile stood and was clapping her hands to get the attention of all the prospective Johnstones and Lovetts. ‘Right now form an orderly queue everyone and have your lines ready…we will be reading from scene eight, where Lucinda finally realises that Frank Johnstone is the man for her.’ She sat back down and consulted her lists of actors, ‘Ok can we see…um Susan Hayward and William Finkler first please.’

  There was a lot of giggling and cat calling as the first two hopefuls took the stage. Tracy smothered a laugh, as twenty stone and balding Finkler wiped his nose on his sleeve before reading his line.

  ‘Why Miss Lovett, ‘ow have I never noticed till now ‘ow your ears sparkle in the moonlight…’

  ‘EYES William…that should be eyes dear…try again,’ Imogen called amid more smothered laughter from the crowds.

  Two hours later and no closer to casting the main characters, Tracy was seriously regretting letting Helen talk her in to doing this. The latest offerings, 78 year old Alf Henshaw an Inspector Johnstone wannabe (who had acute hearing problems and could only stand up straight with the help of a walking frame) and Irene Duffet (4ft 3 and twice as round who had Lucinda Lovett aspirations), had managed to recite their lines beautifully. Only now when the couple were meant to end the scene with a warm embrace did their physical problems begin to rear their ugly heads. The audience watched open mouthed as Alf shuffled over at a snail’s pace to the eagerly awaiting Irene. He put his walking frame to one side before capturing her in an ardent embrace… only to have his false teeth clatter loudly to the floor of the stage just as he was lurching in for the passionate kiss that ended the scene.

  Tracy was almost wetting herself with suppressed laughter; she caught sight of Maggie killing herself laughing in the crowd and was so glad that she hadn’t missed it. With pursed lips Imogen hastily scratched out both applicant’s names from her list. They had been the last of the day and apart from Linda Connelly, and a very pretty girl from the Drama school called Iris, no one else had been suitable for the part of the glamorous Lucinda Lovett. The part of Inspector Johnstone however was going to be a closely fought battle between, Frank, James, Reverend Sinclair and a late entry Luke Wiseman, Imogen’s son who was staying at the hall for the summer and had been persuaded to read for the part by his mother (almost certainly rendering these auditions a waste of time as he was sure to get the part).

  Luke Wiseman was a very good looking man indeed, Tracy thought. Tall and blond with an almost permanent tan (from sailing around the world on daddy’s yacht) and whiter than white teeth, that were constantly being shown to devastating effect as part of an incredibly flirtatious smile. Luke flirted like other men breathed; no woman was safe from his charms. He had even reduced Hester Binworthy to girlie giggles in a matter of minutes…it was true, Tracy had witnessed it herself and it seemed all he had to do was walk into a room to cause all feminine hearts young and old to flutter.

  Nearly all…Tracy was completely immune to his charm, so too was Maggie, he had made a beeline for her when she had turned up to give Tracy a hand earlier.

  ‘My prayers have been answered,’ he had said dramatically, whilst staring into her eyes and kissing the back of her hand, ‘I have been longing for something amazing to look at while practicing my lines.’

  Maggie had just smiled coolly and removed her hand from his grasp, ‘Well I’ve been longing for a tikka masala and pilau rice…looks like we’re both going to be disappointed today doesn’t it?’ she said turning her back on him and addressing Tracy. ‘Do you need me for anything else love, only I said I would meet Duncan in the pub.’

  Luke had laughed loudly and protested over his dismissal in a good hearted way, but his eyes had flashed with anger and Tracy feared there might be trouble ahead from him.

  ‘He is such an arse,’ she was saying after he had wandered off. ‘He’s like one of those toys you know, he has to smarm and flirt constantly until his batteries run out, then he probably just slumps down in a corner until mummy puts some new ones in.’

  ‘Blimey Trace, he’s really got up your nose hasn’t he?’ laughed Maggie. ‘Although you are spot on, I’ve met so many men like him, expecting women just to fall at their feet like they’re some kind of God or something. But the bloody irritating thing is that most women do!’

  ‘Oh don’t I know it,’ Tracy said shaking her head. ‘If I’d had a pound for every silly girl that’s told me how dreamy he is today I could retire…it’s pathetic.’

  ‘What’s he doing here anyway?’ Maggie asked.

  ‘Albie, Imogen’s husband, is home at the moment and he’s brought Luke back with him. Imogen is over the moon that Luke’s here, doesn’t seem quite so happy about Albie though, I think they get on better when he’s travelling. The other one’s coming home soon as well…um David I think he’s called, they’re twins you know…so we’ll have double the number of women swooning left right and centre,’ she finished with a giggle. ‘They’ll be going cross-eyed, not knowing which one to drool over first.’

  Tracy looked over at Maggie when she didn’t respond to her joke. In fact she was miles away, staring at something in the distance with a worried frown marring her forehead. Tracy followed her line of vision and soon spotted the reason for Maggie’s concern. Luke Wiseman had moved on to his next conquest. And he seemed to be having much more success with this one judging from the giggles and wild hair flicking… it seemed he’d set his sights on Maylee. Tracy shook her head, Maylee was Maggie’s eldest son Dom’s girlfriend and had been a problem for Maggie from day one. Causing trouble between her boys and trying to stir up problems between Maggie and Jed’s girlfriend Jools, in fact it had only been the last few months that things had settled down again, and Tracy knew that Maggie had been hoping that her family was back on an even keel.

  Maggie watched the couple with a gimlet eye, she didn’t like the responding gleam that she had spotted in Maylee’s eyes whilst Luke had been flirting with her. Maylee would be completely aware of how wealthy and successful Luke Wiseman was, pair that with devastating good looks and of course the fact that he was the son and heir to the lord and lady of the manor and Maggie could see trouble ahead.

  ‘I don’t like the look of that,’ she muttered to Tracy, as she watched Luke brushing something off Maylee’s blouse, causing more giggles and playful slaps.

  ‘Oh I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about love,’ Tracy said trying to reassure her, although as she was speaking that sleaze ball Luke had moved up close and was whispering something in Maylee’s ear…

  ‘Right that’s it,’ Maggie said determinedly, and walked off in their direction. Tracy watched as Maggie interrupted the two love birds, and laughingly dragged Maylee away as if she needed her for something. They headed back towards Tracy.

  ‘We’re going to go now love,’ Maggie said to Tracy giving her a look. ‘I’ve just had a call from Dom saying that Jukie is missing his mum so…’ Jukie was Maylee’s three year old son who had been left at home with Dom for the afternoon.

  ‘That is just so unfair Maggie,’ Maylee said sulkily. ‘I don’t see why I have to go home; surely you could have him for a while if he’s fed up with Dom, he loves being with you.’

  ‘Sorry love,’ Maggie said resolutely, ‘I’m meeting Duncan; and I’ve got a sudden urge for a curry. Anyway the auditions are all but over now so…’

  ‘Yes but I was just beginning to enjoy myself,’ she sulked, ‘typical…why can I never have any fun. When do I ever get a chance just to let my hair down…’ she grumbled on. Maggie raised her eyebrows at Tracy and waved goodbye as she started walking to her car, very reluctantly Maylee followed on behind.

  Suddenly a loud wolf whistle filled the air and Maylee turned round in surprise.

  ‘Bye gorgeous,’ Luke called over to her, ‘I’ll be seeing you,’ he finished casting a smug look at Maggie before turning away. />
  Maylee’s sulky face disappeared and was replaced with a dreamy smile, as she shyly waved him goodbye and made her way over to the now thunderous Maggie.

  CHAPTER 18 – 1969 Exerts from the diary of Una Flannery

  …Well I spoke to Mrs Cray about Missy, fat lot of good that did. She just told me to stop bothering her and to keep my nose out of other people’s problems.

  ‘I’ve seen it all before Una,’ she’d said pointing a finger at me. ‘When you start interfering in other folk’s business, it only leads to trouble. Take my word for it; girls like that Missy know how to take care of themselves, so if you want my advice you’ll keep your mouth shut and your eyes closed. Especially if you’re dealing with that Jonas Silco, he’s the sort that would sack you as soon as look at you, you mark my words.’

  Can you believe such heartless words… sure as heartless and cowardly as me for turning away and trying not to see, not to notice as Missy got thinner and thinner and more and more desperate.

  I will regret my cowardliness for the rest of my life though, because a few weeks after that I found that poor girl dead, in a bath full of blood…she had slit her wrists open she had, with a knife from the kitchen…and in her nakedness her pregnant belly was there for all to see…


  ‘In 1997 seventeen people went missing in the Redbank area,’ Mandy said consulting her notes, ‘most were teenage kids, runaways, three were women and there were five men but only one that’s old enough to be our man. His name was Philip Crowe and he worked for the local council, in the accounts department.’

  ‘Who reported him missing?’ Frank asked.

  ‘Um… seems like it was his immediate superior at work,’ Mandy said again looking at her paperwork. ‘He didn’t show up for work, which was completely out of character for him it seems, so this woman…um Carole Smythe, went round to his house but there was no one home. After a week or so she called the police, reported him missing.’

  ‘Was it followed up on?’ Carla asked making notes on the papers in front of her.

  ‘Yep…police went to the house, spoke to his neighbour, a Mrs Tanner, who had been a bit concerned because she’d taken in a parcel for him which he’d never collected. Police entered the house then, but found nothing suspicious. A picture of him was posted up around the area for a few weeks, by his neighbour it seems, but he was never found.’

  Mandy shuffled through her papers and handed over the grainy black and white picture of Philip Crowe. She saw the face of a man in his sixties with a pale thin face, neatly combed grey hair and a tight smile.

  Carla stuck the picture up on the white board next to the computer generated image that forensics had sent over earlier in the day. It was a pretty good match although the computer image had made his face a bit fatter and his hair slightly more receding.

  ‘Well I think that’s pretty close don’t you?’ Carla asked her team as they all gathered round the two images. ‘What about family Mandy?’

  ‘There was a nephew who was interviewed at the time, a Frances Dunn, Sylvia Dunn his mother was Philip Crowe’s sister. Although this is interesting there was some confusion with his name. Philip Crowe’s, it seems he changed it sometime in the seventies…’ she shuffled through her papers again, ‘I can’t see what he changed it from…nobody seems to have thought that important enough to make a note of,’ she finished in an irritated voice.

  ‘Well I presume the nephew is still alive…do we have an address for him?’ Carla asked.

  ‘Yes, he eventually inherited his uncle’s house…um here it is 5 Gladwin terrace, Redbank. That’s the last we’ve got anyway so hopefully he’s still there.’

  ‘Great stuff Mandy, at least this gives us a place to start. And if we can get some DNA from this nephew then we might be able to determine whether we have actually got Philip Crowe or whoever he is by the family connection… any news on the china figurine yet Midge?’

  ‘Well it seems it was a cheap type of china, mass produced, probably made outside of the UK and used to make figurines etc. sold to the cheaper end of the market,’ Midge said going up to the white board, ‘sort of old tat that you might find in a pound shop or street market. Most of the fragments seem to have been painted in one main colour though so Martin is going to try and trace objects that might have used that particular colour, which might give us more of an idea of what it was.

  ‘Ok well maybe this Frances Dunn can shed some light on whatever this thing was, and indeed if it belonged to Philip Crowe or not. Well done everybody let’s call it a night for now. Frank you and I will try and track down this nephew tomorrow and Mandy maybe you can try and find out what our victim’s name was before he became Philip Crowe.’

  Carla thankfully made her way home, it had been a long day and she would be glad of a glass of wine and something to eat.

  The kitchen was empty when she arrived home a while later but she could hear the sounds of Rosie going through her lines in the living room. She went to the fridge and poured herself a large glass of wine before making her way through.

  ‘How exciting, a new job at last,’ Rosie was saying in an affected high pitched voice, ‘I’ve heard that Mrs Page can be a right old battleaxe though, but I won’t let her get to me I will see it through you just see if I don’t.’

  ‘Well done lovie,’ said James in an even higher pitched voice, ‘I always knew you’d find something.’

  ‘Now what shall I wear… dad! This is where you come in… look here on the next page…Oh Julie wear your lovely new pink dress…’ she broke off as she spotted Carla. ‘Oh hi Mum, I was just going through my lines with Dad.’

  Carla smiled. ‘So I see, which part did you get in the end?’ She went and sat down next to James who squeezed her hand.

  ‘I’m going to be Julie Houseman and I’ve got fifteen lines,’ Rosie said proudly.

  ‘That’s great,’ Carla said enthusiastically. ‘Hang on though doesn’t she get killed in the second act…’

  ‘Yes but Andrea said that the way I play my part will have an effect on the whole of the play. I have to get the audience to like me so that they will feel my pain…Andrea says. I don’t really mind not being Lucinda Lovett because she has to do kissing and stuff. But I still say the part shouldn’t have gone to that stupid Maylee…she was absolutely rubbish at her lines, kept forgetting everything. Gladys Nettles said she only got it because that Luke fancied her, although I don’t know why he would, she’s well old.’

  ‘Wow,’ said Carla trying not to look at James. ‘Well that is certainly a turn up for the books, I bet she’s over the moon… but I’m sure you’ll be great as Julie, darling.’

  ‘And,’ Rosie went on happily, ‘anyway Helen said she’s glad I’ve only got lines in the first two scenes because she’s relying on me to help her with the props and stuff.’

  Good old Helen thought Carla. She was surprised that Rosie wasn’t more disappointed with her small part, but thank goodness she seemed to be in her element.

  ‘What about you honey,’ she turned to James. ‘Should I call you DI Johnstone?’

  ‘Ha,’ said James with a grimace. ‘Fat chance, once the golden boy showed up the writing was on the wall…’

  ‘Why who’s golden boy?’ Carla asked mystified.

  ‘Luke Wiseman, Imogen’s pride and joy,’ James said bitterly getting up and going into the kitchen.

  Carla followed him through. ‘Well that doesn’t seem fair…didn’t anybody object…’

  ‘Not likely…everyone’s far too scared of Imogen to do that,’ he said as he put on some oven gloves and pulled something delicious out of the oven.

  ‘Oh that smells so good, and I am starving…what is it?’ Carla said her mouth watering.

  ‘It’s just a lasagne I’m afraid, I didn’t have time to do anything else this evening, the auditions ran on a bit…’

  ‘Oh bloody hell darling this looks fab!’ Carla exclaimed putting her arms round him and reaching up for a
kiss. ‘You are a husband in a million, thank you.’ She took her plate and sat down at the table; James got himself a glass of wine and joined her.

  ‘That is so bloody unfair though,’ Carla said after a while, going back to their previous conversation. ‘I bet Frank was gutted as well wasn’t he?’

  James laughed. ‘Actually, he seemed fine…can’t say the same for Linda though, she was spitting bullets; very ambitious lady our Linda. And Tracy says that Helen is going to go mad, apparently the play has been changed out of all recognition…Imogen and Andrea have got their hands on it, added lots of sex and romance it seems.’

  Carla burst out laughing. ‘Oh that’s so funny, who’s going to be having sex with who I wonder. So if you’re not going to be DI Johnstone what part did you get…not the butler?’

  ‘No, worse than that,’ James said with a teasing smile. ‘I’m Mr Fraser…Mrs Page’s lover…so it seems like it will be me having the sex I’m afraid.’


  Helen breathed in the heady scent of jasmine and honeysuckle which filled the evening air, you could say what you liked about Imogen Wiseman but her gardens were amazing. She was wandering down a meandering path which was bordered on either side by magnificent shrubs; it led to the boathouse that sat on the edge of the most beautiful lake. Imogen had turned the boathouse over to Helen to be used as a work room, somewhere that she could paint the backdrops and make the props for the play. It was an idyllic situation sitting as it did right on the edge of the lake, in amongst the trees. All Helen could hear as she walked along was evening bird song and the gentle lapping of the water…heavenly, just what she needed to collect her thoughts; it felt like she hadn’t had a minute since Kathy Hunt had turned up. They had heard nothing more from the woman thank goodness and as each day passed without anything happening Helen was beginning to believe…hope, that she had seen sense and gone away. Andy still knew nothing about his mum’s visit and as far as she was concerned the longer it stayed that way the better.